Try out The Walking Classroom with free sample podcasts and our companion Podcast Completion Checklist and Mileage Tracker!
Keep track of the podcasts you’ve listened to AND how far you’ve walked with this handy checklist and mileage and steps tracker. It’s available as a PDF below!
Get the sample podcasts here!
We offer 28 free sample podcasts on language arts, science, social studies, and more. You can either access the sample podcasts on our website or on our mobile app in both Google Play and Apple’s App Store.
- Get them on our website
- Download The Walking Classroom Podcasts app from either app store on your mobile device.
Hello, I am a science teacher in a classroom for 9 months (8th grade science) and an informal environmental educator out west at Philmont Scout Ranch in the summer. I am wondering, are these podcasts appropriate for 8th grade? I would like to use them as part of our review resources for middle school science testing on Fridays when I also talk about connections to real world science with the environmental science. I teach in the classroom in a school in Florida, on the Indian River, 35 miles north of Cape Canaveral. I am interested in your product but not sure it would be age appropriate. The podcasts look fantastic. I have downloaded the app on my phone and will listen to the samples. Thank you.
Hi Jeanne,
Thank you for reaching out! Yes, the podcasts are appropriate for kids in grades 3 through 8. We also have a few high school students (and senior citizens!) using it. Our Science Career series would be especially useful for your students. Please let us know if you have more questions. Happy Trails!