Get your podcast bundles here!
The Idioms Podcast
This Walking Classroom podcast focuses on idioms. Idioms are groups of words that, when said together, have an understood meaning that is different from what the words actually mean. For example, “to be on the moon” doesn’t actually mean that a person is on the moon, it is an idiom that means someone is really excited about something.
The Human Body’s Slimy Shields Podcast
In the time of COVID-19, this Walking Classroom podcast topic is particularly important and a great way for kids to learn about how their body works to keep them safe. The podcast focuses on the body’s defense shields, which are sometimes a bit slimy—like earwax, mucus, and sweat—and how some things we think are gross are actually important.
The Meteorology Podcast
This Walking Classroom podcast focuses on the field of meteorology and the forces that create weather patterns and natural phenomenon like rain, thunder, and lightning. The kids discuss and explain how the weather is predicted and how it affects our everyday lives. A meteorologist studies and predicts weather patterns.
With each podcast bundle, you’ll also get:
- The podcast lesson plan
- The podcast quiz
- The unit slide deck
- Related videos
- Downloadable worksheets and puzzles
- Hands-on activities
- Online activities
- Virtual field trips